(804) 779-2811 info@CampHanover.org

Camp Hanover’s #GreatCampGive is on Tuesday, October 1.

We hope you’ll tune in and join in generosity.

As we look back and celebrate sixty-seven years of sunny summer camp memories and the impact of a shining legacy. As we look ahead to see a horizon of hope. Camp Hanover’s future is so bright, we’ve got to wear shades!

The goal is to raise $43,000 and maybe even get to $100,000. Or more, in one day. To strengthen Camp Hanover’s ministry now, and set the course for the future! 

Every penny will make a difference to a place we love.
Every penny keeps Camp Hanover shining for Campers.
Every penny pushes Camp Hanover forward, to bigger and brighter possibilities. 

The #GreatCampGive is one of the best opportunities for friends and fans of Camp Hanover (like you) to support this special place.

Because matching funds are available, every dollar you give will be doubled.
Your $5 gift becomes $10.
Your $50 gift becomes $100.
Your $500 gift becomes $1,000. 

The #GreatCampGive only happens once a year. Let’s make the most of this day! Let’s make the future for the kids at camp bigger and brighter than ever! 

 We can do this, together.