(804) 779-2811 info@CampHanover.org

This spring, Camp Hanover said goodbye to several valued employees. In addition to Lisa VanderPloeg who retired in March, two members of the staff moved out of the area: Jeff Arnott, associate director of operations, and Laura Haney, associate director for environmental ministry.

Jeff joined the staff in early 2022. He could often be seen with his dog, Annie, as he managed the facilities and grounds. One of his last projects was the expansion of the garden which he surrounded with a larger fence designed to keep out deer and groundhogs.

Laura started as a seasonal employee then became a full-time member of the staff in 2021. Under her oversight, the CHASE after-school and MVP internship programs grew and thrived. In addition, she cared for our animals, including last year’s tortoise additions.

“Camp Hanover holds a special place in my heart and I will always cherish the time I spent working here,” Laura shared. “I have learned so much since my first time arriving at Camp and have loved watching children and young adults alike be transformed by this place.”

We know Jeff and Laura will continue to bless their new communities as they have Camp Hanover.

Jeff Arnott

Laura Haney